
Rafael Correa: With God On Our Side

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In the same week as Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador would eradicate illiteracy by 2009 he also used anti-consumerist rhetoric to denounce a pagan celebration, which the Christian church, unlike most other pagan days, have not yet managed to appropriate; but, of course, the capitalist have seized the day.

What is Correa saying, then? Well, firstly he is saying that in two years there will be no one who cannot read and write in Ecuador – so perhaps he is going to nuke the last bit of the Amazon – or deprive those who live there of their citizenship (not that they ever asked for it in the first place, but still..)?

Once more he is speaking as if the people who live in the Ecuadorean rain forest just don’t count…..

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“Recipes For Disaster”: An Anarchist Cookbook

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    – by False Flag Thursday, Mar. 01, 2007 at 3:06 PM

For ten long years, our operatives have honed their skills, testing their wits and mettle against the global capitalist empire, the most formidable adversary in the history of life on earth. We have learned how to redecorate the walls of cities occupied by armies of riot police, to transform random groups of damaged, isolated individuals into loving communities capable of supporting one another through the most severe bouts of repression and depression, to shut down corporate summits and franchises armed with little more than plastic piping or eyedroppers of glue. Now, the notorious CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collective has compiled many of the techniques that made these feats possible into a 624-page manual entitled Recipes for Disaster.

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Anarchism and Indigenous Struggles.

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INDIGENOUS ANARCHISM IN BOLIVIA – An Interview with Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui,

by Andalusia Knoll, Rustbelt Radio, Pittsburgh

What happened in Bolivia is that there have been two official histories: the official history written by the [Revolutionary] Nationalist Party—MNR—that basically denies all the agency of both workers and peasants and indigenous peoples; and the official history of the left that forgets about anything that was not Marxist, thus eclipsing or distorting the autonomous history of anarchist unions,

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Home Sweet Home: Reflections on the Amazon – Part One of ?

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Seeking refuge in Europe, to breathe and to reflect, the long, light evenings and the friendliness of the forest (that is the absence of the eternal threat of creatures out to get you) have besieged our imaginations.

The loved ones, the long-time friendships and the new friends are the medium of reflection – telling stories, observing reactions and thinking about it all at a distance ….we get high on our own anecdotal supply with a little help from our friends.

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Constitutional Politics in Ecuador: Correa and Gutierrez vs. the People.

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In the previous entry the result of the Ecuadorian referendum on Sunday, April 15, 2007, was covered and some implications or potential consequences were suggested. Business as usual was the message in that entry – deliberately clad in vulgar and ambiguous iconography (two wrongs make a left?).

The Two Pawns Sacrifice Line


Now the game commences – not much of a prediction, though, init?

We look to Al Jazeera for a comment….

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Two steps forward, one step back – is that improvement in a nutshell? Half a revolution in Ecuador?

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The people of Ecuador, a diverse crowd of indigenous nationalities, communities, tribes, mestizos, colonos, and old fashioned gentlemen and lady’s with Panamas, yesterday voted overwhelmingly in favour of a constituent assembly – popularly called the asamblea constituyente:

Asamblea Nacional Constituyente Plurinacional y Popular


Quito, 15 de marzo del 2007

Nuestra declaración es una voz colectiva que recoge el sentir de las organizaciones sociales, de los movimientos políticos, de las mujeres y hombres comprometidos con la transformación social y la liberación de nuestra Patria. Expresa la convicción de que es la hora de construir una sociedad justa, libre y soberana.”

Early Sunday evening the result was beyond dispute:

“An exit poll by CEDATOS-Gallup showed that 78.1 percent of voters approved the election of a constitutional assembly while 11.5 percent rejected the proposal and 10.4 spoiled their ballots or cast blank ones.” (AP)

So far so good; and well done Correa & Co. Good choice!

With such wind in the sails, Correa announced that the IMF can stuff it! Two days ago Venezuela rejected an IMF report, and Correa joined in on the chorus:

Check out what he said….

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“…talking about the one who got away”

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In a “funny” article in today’s Guardian about the 15 British sailors first captured and then released by the Iranian authorities Polly Toynbee notes that the Daily Mail – what we can call a guardian of “good ole conservative, christian family values” – shares its outlook on “life” with the Iranian president – in other words, as has been glaringly obvious for a thousand years: X-tianity or Islam or whatever distorted reality in question – extremism is alive and well, pretty much indistinguishable, breeds like a cancer and threatens the freedom of everyone:

Still, amid all the high tension, here was a revelatory moment: the Daily Mail believes pretty much the same as President Ahmadinejad. The fundamentalist Iranian opined: “How can you justify seeing a mother away from her home, her children? Why don’t they respect family values in the west? Why was the difficult task of searching the seas given to a mother thousands of miles from home? Why is there no respect for motherhood, for the love of her child?” The fundamentalist Mail printed those words in bold letters in a special box. Paul Dacre couldn’t have put it better himself. Bewailing the west’s lost family values, his paper finds ways to warn against the moral danger of mothers working every day of the week.”

This kind of “news” could hardly come at a “better time” – Easter – a time where extremist Christians around the world in particular are whipping and crucifying themselves (recall the mad Opus Dei monk in the “da Vinci Code”) to be forgiven for their sins?!!!?

Whatever happened to atheism?